3302 Appaloosa Road - Units 4, 5 & 6, Kelowna



Approximately 9057 square feet of professionally designed, high quality interiors on two floors of this rare and hard to find, combined and finished office/ warehouse strata unit. The three combined units provide an uniquely high standard of quality in all respects, including interior finishes, office sizes, location, access and exposure.


Located at the Mill Creek Business Park, this property offers both excellent street exposure. Site coverage was limited to 32%, providing good traffic flow and high parking ratios.

3302 Appaloosa Road - Units 4, 5 & 6, Kelowna

  • MLS #10261958


3302 Appaloosa Road, Kelowna BC | Units: 4, 5 & 6
Property Type: Strata Unit | Sub Area: University District
4 - 3302 > Plan: KAS2842, Lot: 40, Sec:2, Twsp: 23, PID: 026-641-101
5 - 3302 > Plan: KAS2842, Lot: 39, Sec:2, Twsp: 23, PID: 026-641-089
6 - 3302 > Plan: KAS2842, Lot: 44, Sec:2, Twsp: 23, PID: 026-641-143


  • Zoned I1 & I2 - Business Industrial
  • Main Floor: Large reception area and waiting room, multiple offices, lunch room, two washrooms & shower room, warehouse area (not exactly as shown) with secondary storage and 12’ x 12’ grade level overhead door
  • Second Floor: (not exactly as shown) Abundant, large executive window offices, board room, “bull pen” cubical office area, administrative / copy room, secondary meeting room and two washrooms
  • Two sets of stairs for accessing the second level (main entry and rear, off ware house access)
  • 23 Designated parking stalls
  • Professionally designed interiors offering an excellent mix of executive, individual and multi-use offices, bathroom & shower facilities, warehouse and storage